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SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!

SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!


  • SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!
    • SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!
    • SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!
    • SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!
    • SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!
    • SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!
    • SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!
    • SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!
    • SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!
    • SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!
    • SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!

    SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!

    C$10.00 Excl. tax

    In stock

    SUMMER SKATES - Association Logos!

    Product description

    SummerSkates sandals made with real sport laces are the perfect complement of comfort, performance, value, and sports fashion.  Designed for all-terrain use indoors or outdoors, you will be able to show your game at all times of the year from the locker room to the street to the beach.

    • Ultra-soft lined sport lace bridge 
      Ⓓ SummerSkates Limited
    • Foot forming cushion footbed with comfort dots
    • Durable sports-flex sole
    • Machine washable and air dry
    • 6 unisex sizes ranging from XS to XXL
    • 7 sport lace designs
    • Indoor and outdoor year round use


    SummerSkates are washing machine friendly!!
    1) Pre-rinse and remove all the "gunk"
    2) Use colour safe detergent 
    3) Toss in with your towels or wash by themselves
    4) Let Air-dry!!! 
    Wear again and again.. 

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